I have been a terrible blogger lately but I’m ok with that.   With that said, this post will be filled with many pictures.  Most of them from my phone because Nick and I decided to join the rest of the world and get smart phones this Christmas,  which is wonderful and terrible all at the same time (having the internet at my constant disposal is a major exercise in self-control).



Matching Christmas sweaters at the Smith house.


Several weeks spent with all 3 precious little people I nanny for (the big ones are back at school now).


This book.  It has been a really good read so far.  I don’t have a large family (just me and Nick for now) but it has really helped me in organizing our house more efficiently and interacting with the kids I nanny for/ organizing their days and I know will be helpful in the future when Lord-willing we have some little people of our own.


When all 3 kids I nanny for were home we tried using a schedule and found that they really loved it!  The lady I nanny for turned our written schedule into  magnets so the kids can help me put together our schedule in the morning.  I think this is a genius idea.

And when I said I have been organizing I also meant that I completely destroyed the monster that has been living in our spare bedroom for the past year and a half.  I obliterated him.



… 4 hours later…


Everything clean, organized and put away.

I have since been working on decorating this room and will post an after picture in a few weeks.

I have also tried a handful of new recipes and am excited to post about the ones that worked.

Happy 2013!