
The Adventures of Nick & Brittany



September highlights

1. Our nephew Silas was born!- 10 days early.   We got to go visit our brother and sister and meet Silas this past weekend.  He is so precious and we are praising God for his life!

2. Discovered that the radio program “Revive our hearts” posts all of its programming for downloading/listening online.  I am so encouraged by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and have been devouring the series ‘The Counter-Cultural Woman: A Fresh Look at Proverbs 31’.

3. I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of two books I ordered-

There’s no place like home by Mary Larmoyeux and Ethan Pope and

Biblical Womanhood in the home by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

4. Tried several recipes this month the best being this easy Oatmeal Apple Crisp-

& Pioneer Woman’s Restaurant style Salsa- So delicious and so cheap- 6$ for over 6 cups of Salsa and whatever you don’t use you can just freeze!

5.) I finally made a framed chalkboard for our kitchen with the help and input of my sweet husband.  I purchased a large picture frame at Michael’s when they were 55% off (score!) and the Martha Stewart brand chalkboard paint- which I would not recommend for bigger surfaces like the 20×24 inch surface I was trying to paint.

Nick’s artistry 🙂

Frame painted with Behr’s Spa

6. Got to go on a day trip to the zoo with the family I nanny for today- complete  with 1 minivan, 3 adults, 3 children, lots of caffeine, 1 Bojangles run, 1 trip to Chick-fil- a, 1 stop at Hobby Lobby, minimal grumbling, and lots of animals! Some favorites from the day:

Angry bird.

blurry but he got so close to us!

that face.

Mama gorilla carrying baby on her back. 🙂

Second family 🙂

One year of nannying full-time

I am coming up on one year of nannying full-time and the little girl I nanny for is coming up on one year of life!! I am so thankful for this ‘job’– and everything I have learned from it!  The family I nanny for has really become part of our family and I have learned so much from them! I am so thankful for all 5 of them and the means of God’s mercy and grace they have been to me!

Some pics from a day in the life of an almost one year old:

Kid’s craft- DIY puffy paint

This week I had one of the six year olds I nanny for home with me and baby.  I wanted to do a fun craft with her and remembered one I had pinned a long time ago… This craft was easy and fun for both of us!  She loved getting to decide what colors she wanted and helping mix them!

The recipe we used can be found here:

It requires 1 cup flour, 3 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, water and a microwave.  You just mix the flour, baking powder and salt and then add water until it makes a pancake batter consistency.  We divided the mixture into 4 zip lock bags and added food coloring to make lavender, lime green, yellow and sherbet orange paint colors. Then we rubber-banded the bags and made a tiny cut at the opposite end  so she could squeeze the paint out- like pastry icing.  After she was done painting we popped it in the microwave for a minute..

Painting a beautiful flower 🙂

I wasn’t able to get any shots of the finished paintings (after the microwave) because my camera died, but if you go to the link above you can see what it looks like!

Trip to the art museum

I took little girl to the art museum for the first time today-

We saw some funny sculptures,

We saw some pretty paintings,

And even stopped to pose with some other divas,

I think she had a good time! 🙂


She is SO adorable.

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